Jones County
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ASJC is a private non-profit organization based in Monticello, Iowa that provides services to individuals with disabilities in Jones County and surrounding counties.
Advancement Services provides a wide array of services for the individuals we serve.
Can redemption is currently open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 8am to 4pm. There is currently no limit to the number of containers that can be redeemed at one time. We ask that you call ahead if you have more than 10 bags.
Advancement Services will be closed on the following days in 2024.
Monday, May 27th
Thursday, July 4th
Monday, September 2nd
Thursday, November 28th
Friday, November 29th
Wednesday, December 24th
Thursday, December 25th
In case of inclement weather, cancellations and delays will be based on both Monticello and Anamosa school schedules.
For more information, call the Monticello office at (319) 465-5991, or check the Advancement Services of Jones County Facebook page for more information.